Steam magical drop v
Steam magical drop v

On the standard difficulty, the game makes the player face 2-4 characters that are almost mathematically-impossible to beat without dumbing down the AI via continuing, with the exact number varying based on how well you've played up to that point.

  • III in particular absolutely loathes the idea of a No Death Run.
  • The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: In higher difficulties, your opponent moves via teleportation.
  • Even excluding the Really 700 Years Old characters, the roster's ages range from 1 to 75 years old, with less than a third of the cast being teenagers.
  • Competence Zone: Much larger than many of its puzzle game brethren.
  • steam magical drop v

    Unlike his two other appearances, he can be unlocked in this game by defeating him and finishing the game at the heightened difficulty rank.

  • In Magical Drop V, he occupies an Extra Stage slot between Empress and Ghostlop character mushman, and requires you to get above a certain score and maintain a high rank to access.
  • In Magical Drop III, he occupies a 'Special Stage' slot immediately before Tower, accessed by having 150,000 points and 3 consecutive victories before fighting Tower.
  • In Magical Drop II, he's the True Final Boss (reached by 1-credit-clearing the game).
  • For example, Hanged Man (who is perpetually hanging upside down) asks to be normal for a day his wish is granted and he finally gets to walk on the ground.while everyone else hangs in midair.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Some of the characters' wishes upon the titular Magical Drops go horribly wrong.
  • steam magical drop v

    (especially if the rank gets jacked up from defeating Black Pierrot), forcing fights against them to go to quota.

    steam magical drop v

    Unfortunately, the Ghostlop AI goes to the other extreme and edges into Perfect-Play A.I.

  • Artificial Stupidity: For some reason, the Magical Drop AI in Magical Drop V regularly dips into this (to the point where Death outright breaks most of them in under 10 seconds).
  • Anti-Frustration Features: Most of the games lower the difficulty whenever the player uses a continue.
  • Magical Drop Is Back!!! Yes, the cult-classic returns with all the fast-paced action you expect from the franchise, mixed with modern visuals.

    Steam magical drop v